5 Things I Love Right Now:
1. Satsuma Body Butter by The Body Shop

The scent is kind of like oranges but not too overwhelmingly citrus. It just screams summer time to me and I love that its not oily. What's even funnier is that my freshman year of college, my roommate ( looove u Laura ) was obsessed with lotioning herself and I always found her preoccupation with self-lathering to be a bit over the top. Until now. I've joined the club. Sometimes I'll take unnecessary showers just so I can have an excuse to put the body butter on afterwards.
2. Bright Lights, Big Ass: A Self-Indulgent, Surly, Ex-Sorority Girl's Guide to Why it Often Sucks in the City, or Who are These Idiots and Why Do They All Live Next Door to Me?

I just stumbled across this author but Ms. Lancaster is so sarcastically funny and witty. I'm really bummed I didn't write a book like this first.
3. The Boston Red Sox

This is pretty much a given. I will forever and always love the Red Sox. They are the like ex-boyfriend you just can't give up. You know, the one who was horrible to you at times, let you down when you counted on him the most? Yet he was still adorable, charming and attractive so you couldn't let him go? Thats the Red Sox. Although, this season they are 11 games up on the Yankees thus far and that will make any proud Bostonian girl fall head over heels over and over again...
4. The Holiday

I know its almost July and I'm citing my love for a Christmas movie (hence: The Holiday) but I just can't help it. First of all, Jude Law = <3 <3 <3 I don't care that he schleped his nanny on the pool table, I find him irrestibly charming. and Cameron Diaz, who I usually find really annoying, has absolutely the best sweater collection in this movie. I love love love it!
5. The Jackie Cardigan from Jcrew

I pine. I perish. I swoon. The name of the sweater says it all...WWJD? What Would Jackie Do?
She'd buy this adorable sweater set in every color the rainbow!!!!
Special thanks to Tres Poshe Preppy for giving me a clue to just copy and paste (duh!) and who I stole the 5 things idea from!
I love Satsuma, I have the essential oil for burning, yum!
I love Christmas movies, I want to see The Holiday but Love Actually is my fav.
I own the Jackie in about every color (that I look good in).
Great list!
i absolutely LOVEEEE love actually!!! its my all time favorite holiday movie, esp when he goes to serenade kiera knightly with the posters and carol music.. awww :(
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